Co-Founding the "Cordoba Forum"
April 10 - 11, 2018

BARAZA is co-founder of the "Cordoba Forum". The Founding Meeting was held in Cordoba on the 10th and 11th April 2018. The Cordoba Forum concept is based on the "mythical reality" of the epoch of mutual tolerance represented by the al-Andalus period in Cordoba.
Its aim is not to be yet another gathering of interreligious debate. Our aim goes well beyond that, with the intention of making this Forum the stage of a global debate that contributes to overcoming differences of all kind.
We do not intend to pass formal resolutions, nor do we have the pretension of solving ongoing conflicts. We rather intend to create an expanding "Spirit of Cordoba", through an informal gathering of organizations which are already committed to the same struggle.
The idea is to generate a critical mass of actors, which is annually recharged. Indeed, the sharing of experiences and concrete approaches that have been successful in various contexts can make a decisive contribution to a better convivance and thus to a less divided world and help its peoples to live together, in full respect of their differences.
The Participants of the Founding Meeting were:
AISA International (Cheich Bentounès and Mrs. Maghnia Bentounès)
Appel Spirituel de Genève (Rev. Dr. William Mccomish)
BARAZA e.V. (Mr. Georg Popp and Mr. Michael Dickinson)
Barenboim-Said Foundation (Mrs. Muriel Paéz Rasmussen)
Casa Árabe (Mr. Pedro Martinez Avial)
CLIMS (Pasteur Jean Claude Basset)
Centro UNESCO de Valencia/Medioterráneo (Dr. Rafael Monzó Gimenéz)
Círcolo Intercultural Hispano Arabe (Mr. Abdel -Wahhab Tounsi Mohd)
European Union for Progressive Judaism (Mrs. Sonja Guentner)
Fondacion Nicolas Puech (Mr. Nicolas Borsinger)
Fondacion Oussemi (Mr. Olivier Vodoz)
Fúndacion Cultura de Paz (Mr. Fwederico Mayor Zaragoza)
Fúndacion Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo (Mr. Antonip Chavez Rendón)
Fúndacion Paradigma Córdoba (Dr. María Jesús Viguera and Dr. jacques Moreillon)
Initiatives of Change (Dr. Imad Karam)
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (Dr. Odila Triebel)
Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human Values (Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp)
Junta Islámica (Mrs. Isabel Romero)
KAICIID (H.E. Faisal bin Muaammar)
Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies (Dr. Renne Hattar)
Scouts Musulmanes de France (Mr. Abdelhak Sahli)
World Scout Foundation / Organization (Mr. John Geoghegan)