Film trilogy "Sons of Sinbad"
In the Making is the Message

The film trilogy "Sons of Sinbad," produced by members of BARAZA, about the widely unknown history of Oman is an attempt to bring Western and Eastern perspectives together into a new way of looking at history, with the aim of recognizing that all people, no matter where they live or how they live, have very much in common.
In this production, we decided to not only present the past, but also the ongoing ramifications and the ongoing legacy of this story. The performers are all laymen who follow and experience their own story together with the audience. More than 120 people, about half of them from Oman, were involved in the evolution of these films.
The success of this joint Omani-German project shows that constructive cooperation between East and West is still possible despite widespread opinions to the contrary.
The trailer, short films about the making-of and the premiere, as well as the movies can be found for streaming under