Plovdiv, Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2019

Plovdiv, Bulgarien, ist eine der beiden Kulturhauptstädte Europas 2019. BARAZA-Beirat Karimah Stauch; Europa Koordinatorin der United Religions Initiative (URI), informierte die URI Cooperations Circles (CC) in Bulgarien über unser „Malbuch für Kinder: Weltreligionen“, welches dann in Kooperation mit einem bulgarischen CC realisiert wurde und nun bei verschiedenen kulturellen Veranstaltungen, die in diesem Jahr in Plovdiv stattfinden, zum Einsatz kommt.
Diese dritte Version des Malbuchs in den Sprachen Bulgarisch, Rumänisch, Russisch und Englisch erhöht die Gesamtzahl der Sprachen auf zehn. Das Malbuch wurde von Dr. Petar Gramatikov, Chefexperte für religiöse Fragen der Gemeinde Plovdiv, Direktion für humanitäre und soziale Angelegenheiten, der UN-Menschenrechtskommission (UNHRC) vorgelegt.
Das Malbuch wurde auch an die übermittelt.
Kommentare aus Plovdiv:
I like this coloring book it’s really nice and informative (Mariyam Raja)
Книгата е много интересна. Има интересни картинки за децата , които ги запознават с различните религии по света и символите на тези религии и места за молене. Създава толерантност в децкото съзнание за всички религии. (Atiyya tul Raziq)
Asslamoaleikum I really Liked the colouring much variety.and informative as well and so much fun for not just kids. (Aisha Daniyal)
This colouring book for kids to introduce them to religions of world is fun, fabulous and much needed. This initiative by Baraza and URI features a wide range of exercises not only to develop religious tolerance but also analytical skills by inviting the kids to utilise and improve pattern recognition skills as well as teaching them numbers by colouring same numbered fruits etc. I personally liked and enjoyed the part where shadows have to be matched with their respective originals. Overall this book is pretty good with meaningful illustrations with a lesson to match. (Ibrahim Ahmad Mabroor)
I liked the book. It seems educational while fun for children. I find it positive that it mixes coloring with religion. The kids can ask question and learn while being creative. (Shaista Sumbal Ahmad)